Thursday, July 3, 2014

Throw Back Thursday.... Way Back!

So I haven't blogged in quite a while.  I have been keeping up with everyone else's blogs, but it is just very hard to blog from my cell phone.  In the meantime, we have become parents!  Since today is Thursday, I thought it would be only right to throw it back and post some old pictures of our time so far as parents to Ella Claire Chambers!

 Ella Claire sleeping on her Mommy for one of the first times. 

 Sweet baby in her bassinet.

 We planned to exclusively breastfeed but even the best laid plans do not always work out.  She lost too much weight in the hospital so we ended up having to supplement with formula.  This is Daddy giving his baby girl a bottle for the first time.

 Miss Fabulous all ready to go home!

She is already a bling lover like her Mommy!

 She looked so teeny tiny in her car seat!

 Not the best look but I don't have many pictures of our first days on my phone!

 Coming home!

 Sleeping in her bassinet at home for the first time.

 Sweet chubby cheeks!

Meeting big sister Massie for the first time!

And just for fun, here is a sweet picture of our girl today!  Just chilling out with her Aunt Bri!

I will try to keep "throwing it back" on Thursdays for awhile to get caught up with the last four months of our precious girl's life and keep updating on our goings on.  I would really like to get this blog up and going.  If you are reading this post just bear with me as I figure things out and decide the direction that I want this Mommy blog to go. I am thinking about documenting our daily lives, my thoughts on life and organizing my random everyday thoughts here, as well as maybe doing some link up parties and such.  We will see! Until next time!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekend Recap

So this weekend was busier than this tired pregnant woman has had in a long time. Friday night, Andy and I met Brianna and Josh and we had dinner at Cracker Barrel. Then we went to the county fair. We walked through all of the exhibits and Andy won a giant sock monkey for the baby. I bought a lemonade, Andy bought a funnel cake, Josh bought a candied apple and Brianna bought cotton candy. Then we left. What a fun crew we are! :) We stopped by my parents house to play a few rounds of Mexican train and then we went home so I could sleep.

Saturday, my mom and Brianna got me to eat breakfast and go shopping for my birthday. We went to the mall and Target and then to PetSmart to buy some presents for our babies. Then last night Olivia spent the night.

Tonight we are going to my parents house to cook out and watch World War Z. Exciting stuff. ;)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Growing Older

Today is my birthday!! I am 24 and about to be a mommy! I am so blessed and  I know this 24th year is going to be the best yet. I had to work this morning. BOO for working birthdays!!! But I got off early and came home and took a birthday nap. :) Tonight Andy took me to Decatur to eat at Longhorn and to go to Target and Lifeway. I finally got my Phillip Lim for Target purse and I am in love. I am so glad that it came out just in time for my birthday.  Lifeway had the Jesus Storybook Bible 50% off so I grabbed one for Baby Chambers. It is beautiful and I am looking forward to reading it together for years to come. I also couldn't resist some fall themed dishes for baby while we were at Target. So cute! And to top it off I am burning fall candles!! My favorite season is almost here! I had a great birthday and I am looking forward to starting our sweet little family this year!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Hey guys!! Long time, no blog! Well hopefully I am back for good! I have already put blogging in my calendar and if you know me, then you know that I get anxiety at the end of the day if my daily plans are not completed at the end of the day...

Anyways.... Since now you know about my slight OCD disorder, we can move on to more important things like what the Chamber's family did on a holiday weekend! Our weekend started on Friday night when we both got off of work. Brianna (my sister/BFF) and Josh (her wonderful boyfriend) came over. We were supposed to build a chicken coop for our 4 chickens which is a blog post all on it's own... Anywho, we all went to Hopper's grocery store which is right down the road from us to get supplies for a BBQ/feast. We got back home and the guys made chicken, hot dogs, and hamburgers on the grill while Brianna and I made macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and bacon inside. Yes, we are a healthy bunch. Everything turned out really well and we just hung out for the rest of the night.

Saturday morning, I got to sleep in which was heavenly while Andy worked for a few hours. Then at 3 we met my parents and Brianna and Josh to go to Tuscaloosa to celebrate my sister's late 20th birthday. We ate at Mug Shots which, if you are in Tuscaloosa, I definitely recommend. Then we did a little shopping at Kinnuken's where I found my cute little preppy hubby a Southern Marsh T-shirt and myself some shoes. Y'all... These were $50 shoes and so cute. I'm talking rhinestone flats! They had been marked down to $9.99 and when they rang up they were $7!!!!!!! I just had to brag on my serious bargain shopping skills! After our little shopping high we went to pick up a birthday cookie cake and swap T.V.'s at Brianna's apartment. Then we ventured to Woods and Water which is a smaller version of Bass Pro Shop. I recommend going there if you are a female Alabama fan and want some seriously cute shirts!!!! They sell Pachyderm Panoply and TuskWear brands and are so much cuteness! We headed back to Cullman and watched the movie Mama and went to sleep.

Sunday, Andy preached the sermon during morning worship. He did such a good job bringing God's Word and I always so amazed when he preaches that God blessed me by making him my husband and giving me this ministry life! Funny note... He preached on pushing the reset button in your life and used his phone as an example. He left his iphone on the seat next to me during service. I have a touch of ADD and pushed the round button on it no less than 100 times.... Well, I am a Droid girl and had no idea that pushing that button so many times was a no no. So needless to say when we left church my sweet husband had to really push the reset button on his phone. Oops. :) We went to Lowe's to get some more wood for the chicken coop and buy an American Flag for the side of our house. Sunday night we went bowling and I won for the first time ever!!!! So exciting! We ended the night with Sonic!

Yesterday I had to work. Boo for working holidays!!! Andy relaxed at home and when I got home we watched two discs of The Vampire Diaries season one. We love it! Then we went to my parents to eat dinner and watch Silver Linings Playbook. We had a pretty great/busy weekend!

This morning I went to the pool for the first time this summer with Brianna and our cousin Adyson. It was wonderful! I have been cleaning my house and took a little bloggy break so I guess my procrastination is finished and I have to get back to my cleaning! I hope you are still awake after reading this! Happy Tuesday!!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Our Weekend

We had a full weekend and it was so much fun! We haven't really done much lately because of my health so this weekend was sort of exhausting for me but so worth it. Friday night I cleaned my living room really well. I'm talking scrubbing my walls with a magic eraser good. :) I LOVE the feeling of a clean house! Andy ended up not getting home until after 8 so he brought home KFC for dinner. I watched Nikita and then when Andy got home we just spent some time together. We decided to go to sonic for ice cream at 930. Well it has rained here ALL WEEKEND. We barely made it a few miles from our house and we couldn't see to drive! We stopped at a gas station and Andy got a cherry coke and me a diet coke, some chocolate milk and a candy bar!!! I love that man! :)

Saturday we both had to work in the morning so when I got home I took a long nap. Then Saturday night we went to my parents to celebrate my dad's birthday!! He grills awesome steak so we had steak, macaroni and cheese, beans, corn, and rolls. My mom also made a chocolate cake with white frosting. Everything was so good! My dad is really into his gun right now so we got him a new belt holder. Since he was the birthday boy he picked the movie Django Unchained to watch. It was 3 hours long!! It was a pretty good movie but it had some rough language. I printed off some really cute printables for the house from The Dating Divas. My sister also made me an adorable cup! She is so crafty! Andy and I left at 11 and came home and went to sleep! We are wild! :)

Today we went to church. After church we went to the movies to see Iron Man 3. It was good but definitely not my favorite Iron Man movie. My aunt Teresa and cousin Alex were there!! He is 7 and came to sit with us. He was so sweet! Since the movie ended at 3 and Andy had to be back at church at 430 for a meeting we hung around town for awhile. We got Massie a toy at Pet Depot and went to Sonic. Then tonight we had celebration night at church. We had a sweet baby dedication and recognized our 6 seniors!! I'm so proud of them. They are really good kids! Now we are finally home and I am about to plan the next week. Exciting stuff, I know! Have a great week everybody!

Friday, May 3, 2013


Happy Friday!!!! We made it through another long work week! Yesterday was just another day at work for the Mr. and me but last night was our last night of revival. Andy didn't get home until after 7 which was when church started so he went straight there and I stayed home to relax since I haven't been feeling well (a story for a whole other blog post!). So while I was home alone for awhile I caught up on one of my favorite blogs to read and watched one of my favorite T.V. shows, The Vampire Diaries! I just have to say we are a little addicted to that show and they are BLOWING MY MIND this season with some of the twists!!! I LOVE it! I also washed some towels and work clothes and a few things that needed to be washed alone. Then I took a shower, read a little bit, fed my other addiction to Pinterest and then went to sleep! So overall a very relaxing and much needed night at home!

Our Friday night is not looking much more exciting but I am totally okay with that! Hopefully Andy will get home at a decent time and I am going to cook supper and hopefully we can watch a movie together before bed! I have to be at work at 6am so I will try to go to bed early. Boo for early Saturdays!!! I hope anyone reading this has a great Friday!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Chambers Family

I thought I needed to introduce the world to our precious little family!

Our family consists of the Mr. And Mrs. Andy and Caitlin!

Our sweet little girl puppy, Massie.

And our cute cats, Alice the boy cat and Figaro!